To grow in our new life in Christ, we must relate with our Father in heaven with the heart of a child; showing our dependence on Him by consistently studying His Word and seeking His face in prayer;
The battle ground of our new life in Christ with our old nature, is mainly our minds, thoughts and heart. Whatever we listen to, watch, ponder over in our minds and heart, affects what we tend to touch, say and how we react.
The entire Christian journey here on earth has to do with subduing the desires of the flesh and yielding to the will and purposes of God for your life. It is a progression, and it’s expected to get better with each passing day.
The believers in Berea were first called Christians by the people around them, because they observed that the lifestyles of these disciples resembled that of Christ Jesus. Why do you not see this situation in our lives today?
The Christian life is like a journey, and it begins at the point of salvation. When we experience the love of God and the forgiveness of…
For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved...
2 Corinthians 2:15
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.
1 Corinthians 15:10
God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.
Psalm 46:5
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.